How to create archive folder in Outlook 2007?

The Outlook mailbox has a certain size, and new e-mail messages are unlikely to stop coming. To prevent it from overfilling, you can move older items to the archive – a separate Outlook data file (.pst) that you can open in Outlook if needed. How to create archive folder in Outlook 2007? 

There are several ways to archive messages in Outlook. The methods you can use depend on the type of email account you have set up in Outlook.

All accounts have access to the Archive folder. For accounts in Office 365,, and Exchange, the Archive folder is one of the default Outlook folders, as do the Inbox, Sent Items, and Deleted Items folders. This folder cannot be deleted. If you use Outlook with an Exchange or Exchange Online account, folder policies, such as retention policies, apply to the Archive folder.

For POP and IMAP accounts, you can create an Archive folder or designate an existing folder that will be used as the Archive folder. You cannot change the location of the Archive folder for accounts in Office 365 and Exchange services.

Using the Archive button to move the message to the Archive folder does not reduce the size of the mailbox. If you need to reduce the size of your mailbox, you can use an online archive in Office 365 for enterprise or archive items manually.

How to create archive folder in Outlook 2007?

By default, Outlook archives items at regular intervals using the AutoArchive feature. For more information, see Automatically archiving older items.

If necessary, you can also archive items manually. This way you can control which items are archived, where to store them and how old they must be to be archived.

How to manually archive items in Outlook 2007

  • Click File
  • Click Archive
  • Click Archive this folder and all subfolders, and then click the folder you want to archive. Each subfolder of the selected folder is in this instruction archive.
  • Under Archive items older than enter date.
  • Under Archive file, make sure there is enough disk space in the location to support manual archiving. If you do not want to use the default file or location, under Archive file, click Browse to specify a new file or location. Browse for the file you want or enter the file name, and then click OK. The location of the destination file will appear in the Archive file field.
  • Note: Saving the file to the home disk (M 🙂 will be included in the space allowed. Another place to save the .pst file is the Desktop. Always remember where you save archived mail.
  • Select the Include items from “Do not auto-archive” check box to include items that can be individually marked to exclude them from automatic archiving. This option does not remove this exclusion from these items, but ignores the Do not auto-archive for this archive only check box.



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